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Pick Your Package

Marketing Starter


This package is suited to those with digital capabilities and capacity to activate all the benefits of this package.

Register Now
  • Profile on regional website
  • One dedicated Facebook and Instagram post
  • Promote your events on the regional event calendar
  • Web deal on regional website

Save time and go full service!


For an added $400 you’ll benefit from extra support. Including all the starter benefits plus 10 digital photos for your business and copywriting for your digital profile.

Register Now

Marketing Plus


Best for businesses that want to actively promote their venue or service to their ideal customers and leverage more of YRT's marketing channels.

Register Now
  • Profile on regional website
  • Two dedicated Facebook and Instagram posts
  • Promote your events
  • Web deals on regional website
  • Digital Mentoring session
  • A feature placement in What's On Emailer

Premium Marketing Package


This package suits businesses that want to reach a larger audience. Leverage all our communication channels to increase your visibility. Receive access to valuable data and insights that can help you refine your marketing strategies.

If you are considering this package please contact Sally via partner@yarrarangestourism.com.au to discuss.

Platinum Marketing Package


Does your business require a large constant patronage and needs to reach a large audience? Leverage all our communication channels multiple times per month to increase your visibility. Contact us for a bespoke package.

If you are considering this package please contact Sally via partner@yarrarangestourism.com.au to discuss.

Prices include GST

Compare Packages in Detail

Other Marketing Opportunities

If you are considering these packages please contact Sally via partner@yarrarangestourism.com.au to discuss.

Go Beyond Melbourne

Suited to Tourism Partners seeking to tap into new overseas markets and interstate visitors by working with the Inbound Travel Trade.

Off Peak Weddings

Dedicated to promoting the Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges as a wedding destination of choice.

Yarra Valley Business Events

Uniquely positioned to offer a diverse range of high-calibre venues and immersive teambuilding activities to event planners and incentive buyers throughout the year.

Yarra Valley & Dandenong Ranges Touring Map

Your opportunity to ensure you get 12 months round exposure with local, state and international visitors.

Starter DIY

Starter Full Service

Marketing Plus

Marketing Premium

Marketing Platinum

Listing on Visit Yarra Valley & Dandenong Ranges website visityarravalley.com.au / visitdandenongranges.com.au
Ten digital photos of your tourism business and products - - - -
Professional interview and copywriting of your digital profile - - - -
Web deal on regional website
Dedicated Facebook & Instagram posts; Potential reach 10k +, 100 - 500 clicks & insights report ✓✓ ✓✓✓ ✓✓✓✓✓✓
Feature location on visityarravalley.com.au
One hour Digital Mentoring Session ✓✓
Feature placement in What’ On email
Premium & Platinum Tiers Also Receive
Solo email sent to our database (25k contacts) ✓✓
Media release sent to hundreds of journalists via Travmedia
Corporate showcase, dedicated LinkedIn post & industry news article: awards, staffing, best practice, facilities, accolades ✓✓
Advice and matching to a dedicated influencer visit coordinated by YRT (partner provides product/service free of charge) ✓✓✓
Inclusion in Regional Tourism Map 150k print run ✓✓
Inclusion in blog on visityarravalley.com.au ✓✓
Mini Campaign: choose from competition, social media advertising or public relations launch
1:1 Marketing Health Check and Strategy Session with YRT marketing team to integrate your activities with YRT
Digital Visitor Information Kiosk advertising (one month)
Up to four separate website product profiles ✓✓ ✓✓✓✓
Digital itineraries seasonal campaign
Bi-annual marketing insights forum hosted by YRT
Feature advertorial in What's On emailer ✓✓
Tourism profile page on visitvictoria.com / ATDW
Feature article in monthly Eat, Stay, Play emailer ✓✓
Feature article in monthly Eat, Stay, Play emailer ✓✓

Pick Your Package