Winter fruits are a little burst of sunshine in winter time. Rayner's Orchard has plenty to offer during the cooler months. In fact, they have at least 8 varieties of fruit every day of the year.
You can pick kiwi fruit and tamarillos until the end of September and there are also plenty of lemons, quince and other citrus. One of the ugliest frutis is also picking now. It's called a Dutch Medlar but has a great taste like cooked apple. Yum!
Did you know that now is the time to plant fruit trees? Bare rooted trees are available including a good range of double grafted varieties. Their advanced trees might even provide fruit this coming season.
The nursery is full of garden treasures. Here are Len's top tips:
If you are planning ahead then mid August to mid September is an especially pretty time on the farm as it is blossom time.
Rayners run Blossom tours around the farm during this time – either on their own – or complimentary if added onto fruit tasting tours. If you enjoy the sight of blossoms en masse, come and see our peach, plum, apricot and nectarine trees at their prettiest!
Winter is alive at Rayners Orchard!
Rayners Orchard | 60 Schoolhouse Rd | Woori Yallock Vic 3139
+61 3 5964 7654 |