Historical murals of warburton

Historic Murals of Warburton

The Historical Murals of Warburton celebrate the living history of Warburton. They are located behind the Waterwheel Visitor Information Centre on the main street of Warburton.

The murals are an open air display that can be viewed any time of the day or evening. They are painted onto the historic Warburton Railway Station siding on the Warburton to Lilydale Rail Trail.

There are 52 hand painted murals, each one showcasing a scene from the history of Warburton over the past 150 years. Some of the scenes depicted include historical sites such as the Sanitarium building, The Alpine Hotel and recognisable shop fronts on the main street, while other murals show the history of the gold and timber era in the township and some of the faces and events that helped establish the town as the popular destination it is today.

Most scenes have a QR code, that can be scanned to read more information about that scene (simply use the QR reader on your Smartphone) and there is a more comprehensive brochure that is available from the Waterwheel.

Local artist Peter Van Bruegel commenced the project in 2012.

Murals have generously been sponsored by local community members and businesses and are a project of the Warburton Advancement League with the aim of showcasing the immense historical beauty of the region.

The official Launch of the Historic Murals was on 22 December 2016.

Read more here.